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SUPREMEION offers a free shipping for every purchase made through this website. We understand that getting your order to you as soon as possible is important. Once you place an order with us, we aim to have it processed and shipped out to you as quickly as possible. All Shipping days are business days (Mon–Fri.)
Our Standard Shipping usually takes 5-7 business days depending on your location.
Misdelivered packages and PO Boxes:
Our company is committed to providing reliable and timely shipping services to our customers. However, we would like to bring your attention to certain circumstances where we are not liable for misdelivered packages due to incorrect addresses or shipped to PO Boxes.
Customers are advised to provide accurate and complete shipping addresses while placing their orders. Failure to provide a correct shipping address may result in delayed or misdelivered packages. In such cases, our company is not liable for any losses or damages incurred. If a package is returned to us as "Return to Sender" by the carrier due to the inability to deliver it, we are not liable for any losses or damages incurred. In such cases, customers will be responsible for any additional shipping charges incurred for resending the package. Additionally SUPREMEION is not liable for stolen packages if delivery status shows DELIVERED.
If you have any questions or concerns about our shipping policy, please feel free to contact our customer support team at